I am Francis (AKA FurankyDraws), a freelance artist from New Zealand. I love doing a lot of (but not limited to) fantasy art. Currently, I am an artist for The Dungeon Coach. A D&D content creator who creates books and modules for D&D. I am also an art director for Bedrock Collectibles. A pop culture statue maker in Canada. I also do commissions for clients who want to visualize their Dungeons and Dragons games and some designs for supplements compatible with D&D5E. I love bringing other people's ideas to life. Storytelling is a major focus of most of my art as I often believe it evokes life and emotion in every piece. I also love dynamic movements and camera angles to complement the impact of storytelling. With all of my experience, I have gained a wider range of techniques and skills to become a more efficient visual troubleshooter for client briefs. I am also a very diligent researcher as I believe it gives design more authenticity and engagement to the art. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in working with me at furankydraws@gmail.com